CWC - Higher Education
Creative Sources Photography | Atlanta Architectural Photographers
People. People are always our first consideration. What are the needs of the staff and students within an educational environment? How can a spirit of lifelong learning be created and nurtured? People are social creatures, and learning is a social activity. That happens in social places. Environments need to support methods for interaction and learning through collaboration. CWC has established collaborative relationships with a wide array of industry professionals working with varied budgets. It is no small challenge to balance fiscal, functional, and educational needs. But our product line mix is designed to maximize that balance. We provide added value, offering affordable total package solutions that work.
Pedagogy. As the traditional instructor-led lecture makes way for more collaborative forms of learning, spaces must become what teachers and students need them to be. Purposeful design of spaces and furnishings adds flexibility and long-term value as environments can adapt without having to change the architecture. Standards programs along with electronic procurement, streamlines management of multiple facilities. This allows educators to incorporate technology into the learning environment to stimulate, motivate, and keep people thinking.
Place. Learning should be enriched by place. The most effective learning places are adaptable, social, stimulating, healthful, resourceful, and sustainable. Welcoming environments draw us in, they are the places we want to be.
Possibilities. Higher Education is a long-term investment. The experienced professionals at CWC are knowledgeable about endless product possibilities for a variety of budgets, with an eye toward the future. Our unmatched warranty is a testimony to our duality of long-term vision coupled with practical day-to-day solutions. We believe learning spaces are the sum of people, pedagogy, and place. When nurturing environments are synthesized with excellence, Higher Education makes life’s possibilities real. It points the way to a better world.