Atlanta Architectural Photographers

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Yvonne Rizzo

Marketing Director

Yvonne, MBA, knows that it takes more than great images to successfully contribute to the creative process.  By listening to client objectives, she unpacks the process to assure that planning / logistics, site readiness, on-location dynamics, and image delivery timelines are met.  Yvonne’s expertise has grown through orchestrating more than 3,000 photo shoots and navigating many with unique and complex variables.  She is a team player who embraces collaboration and keeps a vigilant eye on results.
When clients expect high caliber imagery to communicate their story, her experience provides knowledgeable insight. She earned a CPSM designation from SMPS, and also authored “How to Prepare for a Successful Photography Shoot” within the first edition of the SMPS Handbook for Marketing Professional Services. She is a contributing author to the ASMP booklet, Commissioning Architectural Photography, and is an alumna of Leadership Sandy Springs, LEAD Institute, and Lifework Leadership. Yvonne played an integral part on the Committee for Sandy Springs, resulting in its cityhood.  She participated on the city’s first Design Review Board and contributed to Art Sandy Springs’ first design competition to bring sculptures to City Springs.

Personal Q&A

Experiencing the King Tutankhamun artifacts at the Museum of Cairo, riding camels at the feet of the Great Pyramids of Giza, and having a flat tire repaired by two elementary school age boys while crossing the Sahara desert between Cairo and Alexandria. Just recently, enjoying the amazing Festival of Lights in Lyon, France, and embracing my ancestral roots in Portugal, on both the mainland and the Azore Island archipelago.

Having meaningful conversation while hiking mountain trails, hearing the sound of a roaring river, and seeing awesome mountain vistas. Gathering with friends and family to enjoy a substantive brunch to nourish both body and soul, along with time spent with my women’s group and bible study.

Feline and canine.

Creative Sources Photography | Atlanta Architectural Photographers

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