Atlanta Architectural Photographers

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MBA / CSO / Security

As Creative Sources’ Master of Barkitecture and Chief Snack Officer, Donovan spends his days assuring no unsanctioned snacking occurs in the office. He spent his formative years sampling every semi-edible object he could get his paws on, and cultivating his unparalleled understanding of what makes a good snack. He can hear a sleeve of Ritz crackers being opened from a deep sleep. Donovan can tell you that peas are the only vegetable worth eating frozen, and that if you hold your chicken tender too loosely, you’ve got to expect to lose it.
As Head of Security, Donovan takes his role as sentinel and keeper of the peace quite seriously.  He makes no bones about spending his days assuring there are no miscreants perpetuating nefarious shenanigans on property, including suspicious squirrels, other dogs, and any uniformed representative of a package delivery company.
And if Donovan’s qualifications aren’t enough to convince you that he’s the real deal, this handsome face should do the trick.  Quite fetching!

Personal Q&A

Well, they couldn’t! But I suppose a savory piece of turkey jerky and a belly rub could possibly help, I mean, hypothetically of course. I don’t want to discourage you from trying though…..please try!!!!

First of all, I resent that label. I have a Masters in Bark-itecture (MBA) and I’m only five!  Bet you couldn’t even tie your shoes at my age! #rude. Secondly, studies show that having a dog in the workplace promotes interactions between staff resulting in an improved social atmosphere, and that dogs reduce the stress of owners. Pretty powerful stuff for someone who gets paid in biscuits and kibbles!

Oh please, my patience is wearing thin with this preposterous age-old question! It’s obvious to anyone who pays attention that this…dog…right…here is the very best of good boys! No further speculation required. Mystery solved.

Creative Sources Photography | Atlanta Architectural Photographers

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