Goodwyn Mills Cawood
Binkley Garcia Architecture

Elementary Schools

Goodlettsville Elementary School - Davidson County, TN
Plainview Elementary School - Rutherford County, TN
Rocky Fork Elementary School - Rutherford County, TN
Tusculum Elementary School - Metro Nashville Public Schools

Creative Sources Photography | Rion Rizzo
Atlanta Architectural Photographers

Tennessee School Boards Association – School of the Year
Four Years of Excellence
The design team of Roy Garcia and Joseph Binkley have done it again.  They have been awarded 1st Place for the Tennessee state “School of the Year,” for an unprecedented fourth time.  First as Binkley Garcia Architecture and now as market leaders of the Goodwyn Mills Cawood K-12 design team in Tennessee.
Featured below are all four of the award-winning schools, kudos.  Keep up the excellent work.

Goodlettsville Elementary School


“The new Goodlettsville Elementary School is every teacher’s dream experience of the ideal teaching environment and every student’s idea of the perfect place to learn.”

To see additional images of the school, and to learn more about GMC’s design concepts and project history, visit this project page on the GMC website.

Goodlettsville Elementary School Project Team: Goodwyn Mills Cawood, RG Anderson Company, IC Thomasson Associates, and Structural Design Group.

Plainview Elementary School

Plainview Elementary School at Sunset

At Plainview it was incumbent upon the photo team to emphasize bright bold colors and the transparency of spaces to complement the design narrative.

Plainview Elementary School Project Team: Binkley Garcia Architecture, RG Anderson Company, IC Thomasson Associates, and Structural Design Group.

Rocky Fork Elementary School

At Rocky Fork it was incumbent upon the photo team to emphasize form and function to complement the design narrative.

Tusculum Elementary School

A stunning twilight view of Tusculum Elementary School in Nashville - Atlanta Architectural Photographers

To read a more detailed description of our approach to creating images of this award-winning school, visit our blog post at Tusculum Elementary School.

Students delight in the fun Media Center at Tusculum Elementary School in Nashville, Tennessee

Tusculum Elementary School Project Team: Binkley Garcia Architecture, RG Anderson Company, IC Thomasson Associates, CBRE, and Structural Design Group.

Creative Sources Photography’s experienced, award-winning creative team of Atlanta Architectural Photographers is here to collaborate on your next project, from concept and planning to final image results.

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